Instantaneous Reader Reaction To Our Big ‘PORT TO GO’ Story

The response of our readers to our HOLD THE PRESS! – Government says ‘PORT TO GO’ story has been instantaneous and direct, even poetic – well, sort of!

Here’s a fairly representative selection of comments so far, in no particular order.

If you’d like to email us direct with your opinions on our story, here’s the Letters to the Editor link.

Here we go!

* McGowan and his outer harbour container port need to go

* We won’t lose the port we’ll gain an amazing public precinct

* Say is very different to do!
Election cometh me thinks?
Road access, rail access
Water Chanel depth?
Land area for land back berths?
Greenies won’t let it happens, me suspects
Why they hold balance of power in Upper House!

* Mark China McGowan…following Dan Andrews!

* Hopefully not the cruise terminal too

* Ummm, well, not quite. Yet.

* As long as it stays in state ownership. No foreign investors allowed.

* And of course there will be a
Of government fed
Or state over the next 10
So anything could happen. The libs would sell us out !

* It certainly did Sydney harbour no harm.

* When I was a kid in Sydney you could not eat the fish out of the harbour.

* Wharfies will all be out of a job if they proceed. It’s a true fact.

* …and your point is. Moving the port operations from Sydney to port botany improved Sydney. How many people around Freo enjoy the noise of the scrap metal ships of the aroma of the animal transports.

* Yippee!!

* I thought the nature parks seals, penguins and marine life would be too precious down there to move???
Is this all because of the traffic?

* Finally!

* Imagine that container storage area as new apartments and shopping precincts

* Yea happening like they said it was 10 years ago. Believe it when I see it

* Not soon enough,container truck sent a car over the median strip into my friends car

* …we will lose the heart and soul of Fremantle. Along with 100s of stevedoing and harbour jobs.

* …jobs at the new port?

* …automation cuts the workforce by 2/3rds

* Fremantle could have been a port that served the West forever if only people had stopped buying landfill ( ie. all the imported junk that lasts a week and is then tossed out) I think most of our imports are – Too much cheap clothing and junky things to play with or hang up or use once.