

Freo Today. 15 February 2025. It doesn’t seem to matter how hard Bon Scott sings his heart out, or how often, Joe’s Fish Shack on Freo’s popular Fishing Boat Harbour just gets more and more derelict by the year. Which gets one wondering: Who is Joe, where is he, and why isn’t he doing something about this broken down structure on a prime Fremantle site?

Coral Adventurer visits, again, just for the day! in Shipping News
As the first light of dawn broke this morning, Coral Adventurer was nowhere in sight. But I waited and eventually…
Hoegh Borealis sets new emissions standards in Shipping News
Höegh Borealis was in Port these past few days and departed yesterday for Melbourne. [caption id="attachment_48782" align="alignnone" width="800"] Hoegh Borealis,…
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Bibra Lake WA Denounces Antisemitic Remarks by Sydney Nurses in Life, Law & Culture
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Western Australia has issued a media release today in which it ‘vehemently condemns’ the antisemitic…

Dominoes? Unbroken chain of vessels from Port Hedland to China!

With Zelia bearing down on Port Hedland all the usual ships visiting or scheduled to visit Port Hedland have skedaddled! The red ones are tankers, the green ones cargo vessels. The green ones appear to form a direct, almost unbroken, chain - like dominoes - from just offshore Port Hedland to China. Fascinating! By Michael Barker, Editor, Fremantle Shipping News ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ If you’d like to COMMENT on this or any of our stories, don’t hesitate to email our Editor. ~ WHILE YOU’RE HERE - ~ Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive your free copy of The Weekly Edition…
View from the Round House with Martin Drum – The latest on the State Election and Donations, the latest on the Federal Election and Donations in Life, Law & Culture
Welcome back to our politics podcast, View From The Round House With Martin Drum. Today we look at the latest…
Rarely a Dull Moment – Golf, Kids, Policy, Holiday Lets – & Nunzio’s in Life, Law & Culture
Well, here’s the report on the Ordinary Council Meeting of City of Fremantle of Wednesday night, 12 February 2025. Plenty…
Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy – Film Review in Life, Law & Culture
Dear Diary, I hereby declare this marvellous, joyful, and heart-wrenching film to be worthy of nine stars. Am absolutely not…
Interview with Simone McGurk MLA – ALP Candidate for Fremantle in Life, Law & Culture
Simone McGurk is the State Labor Member for Fremantle, the Minister for Training and Workforce Development; Water; Industrial Relations in…
An Embarrassing Storm In A Teacup in Life, Law & Culture
At the Fremantle local government elections October 2023, the WA Electoral Commission, who by law are charged with running local…
The Wednesday Poem in Life, Law & Culture
Child of the Raj​ Where I come from is crowded. Labyrinthine streets writhe with humanity and the weight of insistent…

Mervyn Street: Stolen Wages

There is much to take in whilst immersing yourself in acclaimed artist and Gooniyandi Elder Mervyn Street’s first solo exhibition which is being shown at Fremantle Arts Centre as part of the Perth Festival. It follows the moment Street couldn’t believe himself, the $180 million class action settlement over stolen Aboriginal wages in Western Australia in October just last year. The works span the time from when Street first made marks to more recent works depicting the stories he ensured were told as part of his leading role in a class action against…
What Kind Of World? in Life, Law & Culture
A flurry of local and global activity stirred me from summer slumber. Soon to head to the polls, Fremantle electors…
Interview with Rachel Horncastle – Voices4Cottesloe Candidate in Life, Law & Culture
What is Fremantle Shipping News doing making a podcast with a candidate for the State seat of Cottesloe at the…
How Does It Feel? in Life, Law & Culture
How on earth can it be put in words? Seems impossible. Yes, I’m ejecting myself from a plush seat in…

Stop AUKUS WA Moves Into Motion

On Monday, 3 February 2025, just gone, supporters of Stop AUKUS WA gathered outside Walyalup Civic Centre in a show of support just after a Motion they wished to see passed at the City of Fremantle Annual General Meeting of Electors had been passed at the Meeting. At the Electors Meeting, Leonie Lundy, the Campaign Coordinator of Stop AUKUS WA, put the following Motion, which was seconded by Adrian Glamorgan: That Council: 1. REQUIRES the City to call a public meeting to address the need for community information and consultation about AUKUS, as identified in the Perth South West Metro…