Architecture + Urban Design

Public Meeting over Vic Hall & Freo Oval
The Fremantle Society is up in arms about the sale of Victoria Hall by City of Fremantle, and the possible…
Where will all the timber go, long time a’standin?
One of our regular readers, Will Dallison, recently wrote to us explaining he was interested to know if the Shipping…
Get Ready – Latest traffic/road changes on New Bridge works
As we have reported, the Old Fremantle Traffic Bridge houses telecommunications, water and gas services that need to be removed…
Step by step New Traffic Bridge gets closer
Services relocation For decades, the old Fremantle Traffic Bridge has been home to several telecommunication and water service lines that…
The laneways of Freo go on and on ..
So many fab lanes and laneways - not sure of the difference! - around Freo. Take this one for example.…
International Co-Op Day is on in Freo this Saturday. Come along!
We are told regularly we have a housing crisis. With rising housing pressures linked to soaring house prices, which in…
An Ideal Planning System
Western Australia, and in particular the Perth Metropolitan Region, once had what was, arguably, the best planning system in the…
Rarely a Dull Moment – Multiple Dwellings, Varying Grouped Dwelling Design, Notre Dame Carparks, Ice Cream, Amalgamating setback area, Owls
Hi there Shippees. It’s been raining cats, dogs, and rabbits out there leading up to Wednesday night’s fortnightly Ordinary Council…
Freo’s getting a new Ferris Wheel
Freo’s ‘Tourist Wheel’ is being dismantled and pulled down after 11 years of service. But don’t stress - a new…