Architecture + Urban Design
The ‘Suffolk’ Hotel & The Covid Planning System
in Architecture + Urban Design
Yesterday, we published a story on the proposed Hotel, offices and shop proposed development in Fremantle at the south western…
The ‘Suffolk’ Hotel – What Do You Think?
in Architecture + Urban Design
So, folks, we brought you news of this development application for approval of a/an Hotel, office and shop as soon…
Old Girls Get Gig
in Architecture + Urban Design
Yesterday we reported on the contentious change of use planning application of the moment - the extension of the Norfolk…
To Be Or Not To Be – An Hotel On The Old Freo Tech Site?
in Architecture + Urban Design
It’s all happening at tonight’s City of Fremantle Council meeting. We all remember hearing that the Prendiville Group acquired the…
Midgegooroo Square – Sounds Good, Hey?
in Architecture + Urban Design
As the City of Fremantle says on its homepage, the historic heart of Fremantle is being transformed into a vibrant…
What’s Happening Here – An Hotel, Office & Shops?
in Architecture + Urban Design
This much neglected key location in central Freo, at the south-western corner of South Terrace and Suffolk street, has a…
Still Just The Blue CAT?
in Architecture + Urban Design
On Wednesday 17 March 2021, the Strategic Planning and Transport Committee of the Ciy of Fremantle received a report from…
Once A Mess – Now A ‘Garden Centre – Office, Cafe & Shop (2 x Sea Container), Canopy, Shade Structure’?
in Architecture + Urban Design
We all know this much neglected site crammed between two successful restaurants on the east side of South Terrace, South…
What’s Happening Here? An Urban Park?
in Architecture + Urban Design
The wonderful thing about walking the streets is that you see things, as if for the first time; things you…