The Better Bridge Campaign continues as Fremantle folk push for a reconsideration of the current Mains Roads WA ‘Swan River Crossing’ plans for a new traffic bridge from North Fremantle to Freo across the Derbarl Yerrigan/Swan River.
Here are our Better Bridge Papers informing readers of the range of matters in issue.
The Better Bridge Campaign Facebook page can be found @Betterbridgefreo
On Sunday, just gone, a school (?) of mermaids and mermen, merfolk all, descended on the Old Traffic Bridge – well, not so much ‘descended on’ as ‘appeared under’ the Bridge – to register their profound disappointment at the MRWA ‘Swan River Crossing’ project proposals.
Here’s a few of the pics of the occasion.
While MRWA and the Minister responsible for the project, Rita Saffioti are continuing to engage in dialogue with the Freo community and key stakeholders, the Big Question is and remains, will they agree to Pause the Bridge plans and recommence discussions about a project that will affect not just us, but our children’s children’s children for decades to come.
The Better Bridge Campaign is not a campaign opposed to replacement of the old traffic bridge, but a campaign to get optimal and lasting solutions to urban planning issues that, if resolved with some vision, will be to the lasting benefit of not only Fremantle, but the State.