Fine Photography – Georgina Barker

This week we feature Georgina Barker.

Georgina lives and breathes Fremantle.

She started out her professional life as a journalist, and still loves to write, but along the way she became a photographer too.

So she is today a photo-journalist. Or perhaps, as someone said, like Mrs Malaprop, recently, a journo-photolist!

Georgina is never happier than when she’s trawling the streets of Freo recording what’s happening with both pen and camera. As a freelance writer and a photographer.

One recent project of Georgina’s has been recording the businesses of Fremantle. Boldly she has gained the cooperation of the owners and managers to capture them in their workplaces.

During the time of covid her mission has had a special urgency and poignancy.

And the result is a work of precision. Lovely concise images. And a feeling of love, yes, love, imbues each shot. On each side of the camera.

You can see more of this project and follow Georgina’s work on Instagram Georgina Barker Photography.

Here is some of her record, along with the podcast interview our Editor, Michael Barker (no relation), recorded with Georgina about her work, how she got into it, and about the businesses of Freo project in particular.

And here’s the podcast interview. Enjoy!