The FSN Interviews

By Michael Barker

From the launch of the Shipping News (coming up three years ago this March), we have been posting often illuminating and always interesting Audio Interviews with Freo People (or people with a Freo connection), some well-known, some not so well-known.

All the interviews have been conducted by our Founder and Editor, Michael Barker, who has spent the best part of his professional career listening and talking to people from all walks of life.

The interviews provide a wonderful record of things that have happened in Fremantle over the years, and more recently and currently.

Some tell very personal stories.

Do revisit them – or visit them for the first time. They have a timeless quality to them.

Play them as you do any podcast, through your car stereo or smart phones as you drive, dream, walk, cook and so on!

Happy listening!

And don’t hesitate to send us suggestions for who else we should be talking to.