Readers’ Views On Fences – Do Fence Me In!

We recently posted an interesting take on the anti social nature of Fences in residential areas and invited the comments of Shippees.

If you go to our Facebook page you will see a number of comments on the post, generally on support of fences. While some of you  liked the points made in article, others saw issues with security if you can’t have them.

Pathika, from Hilton, has also written to us saying how much she loves her fence – and why. Here’s what she has to say, replete with photographs to make her point.

“I love my fence on my corner block. It is quite long with open mesh that has some areas of clematis, other natives  and jasmine growing on it . The poles are big mush and some have sculptural embellishments. Many people walk past and stop to admire the garden and the gecko sculpture and engage in that good old Aussie activity of leaning on the fence for a neighbourly chat. It provides a place and a purpose to stop and hang on the fence for a friendly catchup, as well as being a barrier to dogs and people short cutting the corners through the garden. It also makes it easy to not engage with people and to pass on by with ease.”