47 Pakenham Street Redux – And Letters to the Editor

A proposal to redevelop 47 Pakenham Street in the West End of Fremantle died a death in July 2022. How will a 13 Mixed Dwelling with Ground Floor Café fare this time round? See the Letters to the Editor answering this question below.

Many readers, especially in the West End of Fremantle, will recall the controversial tavern proposal for 47 Pakenham Street that eventually died a death two and a half years ago when it was withdrawn by the proponent.

Artist’s impression of 2022 tavern proposal for 47 Pakenham Street, Fremantle

At the time the West End inner city residents opposed what they believed would be a ‘two level (and almost three storey) outlet for five hundred people with live music right in the middle of perhaps the West End’s most densely residential area, opening hours 7am and midnight’.

The proponent then rethought the idea and then withdrew the DA.

In the meantime, a very successful hole-in-the-wall coffee shop has prospered on the ‘W.A. Bait Supply’ site, coincidentally perhaps called Ghetto Blaster!

47 Pakenham Steet, Fremantle as at January 2025, with Ghetto Blaster in place

Well, 47 Pakenham Street is now back in the news. An application has just been lodged for approval of a ‘Mixed Use Residential Development – 13 Multiple Dwellings with Ground Floor Cafe’.

We haven’t seen the DA yet, but a town planner with an experienced eye has suggested to us that 13 apartments would need at least 3 and possibly 4 storeys. If they were to be on top of a ground floor cafe and car parking area, the overall height of the new development might be 4 or 5 storeys, a storey or two higher than the 3 storey development next door. But also involving, it must be said, many fewer folk noisily occupying the premises after dark. We will know the detail once we see the DA.

This DA will be decided by a DAP, a development assessment panel, not the Freo Council. However, the Council is able to represent its considered views on the proposal to the DAP, and will have two representatives on the 5 member DAP.

Here’s the general West End locality in which 47 Pakenham Street presents itself.

* By Michael Barker, Editor, Fremantle Shipping News


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Dear Editor,

I look forward to seeing the plans. However, let’s be honest – Fremantle has been stuck in an anti-development rut for too long, with opposition to additional stories and perceived heritage impacts coming from the usual vocal minority. It’s mostly retired or semi-retired residents who have endless time to fight anything remotely modern. Meanwhile, the younger generation—who actually appreciate fresh, innovative design—are too busy working and building their futures to show up at every council meeting.

The result? Bland, compromised developments. Just look at the Woolstores—what began as a bold, contemporary vision has now morphed into something that wouldn’t look out of place in the 1970 -1990s, similar to the Fremantle hospital with a 90’s colour scheme.

Fremantle Council needs to stop catering to the loudest voices and start applying planning rules fairly and consistently. If a variation has been approved before, new applicants should be granted the same opportunity with these variations.. Planning decisions shouldn’t be a contest of who can shout the loudest—they should be about creating fairness and consistency with variations to the scheme to allow development to flourish.


John Mocilac (address supplied)