Archive for month: February, 2023

WAPC Extends ‘Suffolk Hotel’ Approval To August 2024
Supporters and detractors of the ‘Sussex Hotel’ development proposal will be interested to learn that the developer has just won…
No Stone Without A Name – Interview with Philippa O’Brien
Philippa O’Brien is an Australian artist and writer. She was educated at the University of Western Australia and Hornsey College…
The 6 O’Clockers – South Beach
Recently, we brought you the 7 O’Clockers - South Beach. Today it’s the turn of the 6 O’Clockers. (Well, a…
South Mole’s Soothing Sea Breezes
Smell the sea and feel the sky, let your soul and spirit fly - Van Morrison South Mole was the…
View from The Round House with Martin Drum – Tudge, Thorpe, Rowland, Lowe, Plibersek, MacTiernan, Trust
Welcome back to our politics podcast, View From The Round House With Martin Drum. The Pollies have had another busy…
The 7 O’Clockers – South Beach
You can almost set your watches by them. Every morning, as if at appointed hours, Freo folk and friends arrive…
Buon 2023 Fremantle Carnevale a tutti!
All right-thinking Freo folk will be pleased to hear Fremantle Carnevale 2023 is returning with a fun-filled event on the…
Shark Warnings for Freo, East Freo and Mosman Park
The great app Shark Smart and the municipalities of Fremantle, East Fremantle and Mosman Park have all issue warnings this…
The Rock Pool Art Exhibition – Interview with Kieron Broadhurst
You won’t want to miss the art exhibition with the enticing tag The Rock Pool opening this Saturday evening at…
Contemporary Life Support Systems: Freo’s Trio
In the very heart of Fremantle, where Newman Court meets Tidal Lane just off Walyalup Koort, a mysterious symbol of…