Archive for month: April, 2022
Film Screening on Fremantle’s Rajneesh Sannyasins This Sunday
in Life, Law & Culture
A significant part of Freo history is back on the silver screen in Fremantle. Orange People everywhere. Osho centre stage.…
How would Freo fare with an extra 0.77 metres of sea level?
in Architecture + Urban Design
Just asking! The reason being that everyone is talking about what happens to sea levels if Antarctica’s ice cover keeps…
Fremantle c1900, Ruby Mitchell & Women’s Hockey
in Life, Law & Culture
Perhaps, as suggested by JWC Cumes in a most readable review of leisure times in early Australia, Their Chastity was…
Interview With Jane Hammond, Journalist & Film Maker
in Fremantle People
Jane Hammond is a freelance journalist and film maker. She has had more than 25 years experience in the media…
IPCC finds the world has its best chance yet to slash emissions – if it seizes the opportunity
in Life, Law & Culture
The world has its best chance yet to reduce greenhouse gas emissions quickly, but hard and fast cuts are needed…
Ramadan Explained
in Life, Law & Culture
Intermittent fasting is now becoming popular, with many promised health benefits. But Muslims have been practising fasting in the lunar…
The case for change to our political donations rules
in Life, Law & Culture
State politics has yet again been tainted by crooked donations. The Independent Commission Against Corruption [in New South Wales] made…
BREAKING NEWS – WA To Buy Oligarch’s Super Yacht
in Shipping News
BREAKING NEWS - We hear the State Government has agreed to splurge part of its $8 billion dollar budget surplus…