It’s NAIDOC WEEK in Walyalup!

It’s that time of the year when we who live in and around Walyalup/Fremantle in Whadjuk country celebrate NAIDOC WEEK.

NAIDOC stands for National Aboriginal and Islander Day of Observance and has its roots in the 1938 Day of Mournimg. It has been a week long event since 1975.

Thus year, it started yesterday 4 July 2021, and runs through to Sunday 11 July and has the theme Heal Country!

Made more urgent after the Juukan Gorge debacle, but not limited to that, the call is for all of us to continue to seek greater protection for Indigenous lands, waters and sacred sites and cultural heritage from exploitation, and destruction.

In the wild weather we are experiencing around Walyalup just now, going out into the weather to investigate Whadjuk country may be difficult. But you don’t need to. Meet Brendan Moore, Manager at the Walyalup Aboriginal Cultural Centre and the Aboriginal Engagement Officer at the City of Fremantle, here and let him take you on a wonderful cultural tour of Walyalup. It’s extremely educational.