Places I Love – Jacaranda Season

Words and pictures by Jean Hudson @jeansodyssey

When our streets begin to turn purple-blue with Jacaranda blooms, summer is on its way!

The Noongar season ‘Kambarang’ symbolises the return of the hot weather and an abundance of colours and flowers.

Jacaranda trees are blossoming all over Perth. They blossom from mid-October to mid-November. There are a couple of spots around the city where you can see tree-lined streets and clouds of purple flower heads.

Applecross is a favourite viewing spot. Some of the streets have Jacarandas planted on either side and create purple flower tunnels. I drove around Applecross this week, the pavements and verges are already turning purple with a carpet of fallen flowers.

The Rotary Jacaranda Festival is happening on 28 November from 9.30am – 3.30pm. The festival takes over a much-loved section of Ardross Street in the heart of Applecross Village, for a family-friendly day of fun and entertainment.

Hyde Park, in North Perth takes on a fairytale look when the Jacarandas are in bloom. Vincent Street and Leake Street are a sea of purple.

Inglewood, Subiaco and East Perth are also hot spots. The Perth Hills have no shortage of Jacarandas dotted amongst the other trees.

Jacaranda mimosifolia – the blue jacaranda – is native to Brazil and Argentina. Jacaranda seeds probably arrived along with sea captains sailing from South America.

The first Jacaranda tree was planted in Sydney’s Royal Botanical Garden in the late 1850s and became a popular tree for Sydney gardens. Adult trees grow to 10-15 metres high and wide. They are not a suitable for a small backyard.

I love this time of year when Fremantle and Perth take on a dreamy lavender tinge. As a child I always mixed red and blue paint together to get purple.

George Street in East Fremantle is our local Jacaranda hot spot. When I visited yesterday, it was picture-perfect: not a cloud in the sky, blooming Jacarandas framed heritage-listed houses, quirky shops and cafes.

Sadly, the George Street Festival on Sunday 29 November has been cancelled following advice from the Department of Health regarding the risks associated with COVID-19. Jacarandas are usually in full bloom for the festival.

There are also mature Jacarandas on Point Street and at other locations around the Port City.

I’m delighted that part of the Fremantle King’s Square redevelopment project involved planting more Jacarandas. Seven new trees have been planted along Adelaide Street at King’s Square and six along Queen Street.

The ‘Power of Purple’ – it’s the perfect colour for Fremantle, the home of the Fremantle Dockers!

In Japan, the annual ‘hanami’ celebrations see thousands of visitors flock to view cherry blossoms bloom. We are so lucky to have so much nature and beauty right on our doorstep.

There’s only a month of spring remaining, and lots more Jacaranda flowers to blossom – so get out there and enjoy them before the flowers all drop.