Letters to Our Home: creative reflections on the climate crisis, a 50 page book, is now out and about!
Inspired by a northern hemisphere publication, Letters to the Earth, the book was conceived as a response to the recent 2019/2020 Australian bushfire crisis.
Like Letters to the Earth, the contributors and publishers of Letters to Our Home believe creative responses to growing climate, biodiversity and environmental crises will help us all to come to terms with the situation we collectively face, nurture our spirits, and inspire us to take, and to demand, action.
The contributors are connected in some way to Western Australia, and vary from school-age children to parents, workers, retired people, published poets, and newcomers, and include at least one local Freo person, Jenny Hetherington.
All write from their hearts and are inspired by their passion to see art as a selfless act of giving, and as activism.
(What a deliciously dangerous word ‘activism‘ is!)
The book takes you on a journey around the State’s unique and precious places and explores how we, as humans, live within them and includes images, poetry and prose.
And it can be yours for as little as $10 plus postage of $5!
All proceeds from the sale of Letters to Our Home go to very good environmental causes and will be shared between the national Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) – a national public interest law firm set up to protect the environment – and the WA Forest Alliance (WAFA) – a State umbrella organisation set up to coordinate community action to protect our forests.
You can now buy your copy of Letters to Our Home simply by clicking on this link to Mulla Mulla Press for $10, plus $5 to cover postage within Australia.
Value for money, for sure!