Life, Law & Culture

TEDx Fremantle
The inaugural TEDx Fremantle event will be held on Sunday 16th September from 3-8pm at the Drill Hall, University of Notre…
How far have we come since the ’80s vision of the ‘non-sexist city’?
In 1980, the feminist journal Signs published a visionary essay asking readers to imagine what a non-sexist city would be like.
FSN are very pleased to offer two tickets to the 'Pipe Organ Plus Concert #3: Symphony' on September 2 @…
The world’s ‘most liveable city’ title isn’t a measure of the things most of us actually care about
Despite the hype, the Global Liveability Index focuses on things that matter to expats, not citizens.
Busy Melbourne Freeway
Making small cities bigger will help better distribute Australia’s 25 million people
In the 70s, Whitlam tried to build new, big cities. But this was too costly. Now the most viable solution for Australia's population woes is to make existing cities bigger.
The ‘great Australian silence’ 50 years on
It’s 50 years since the anthropologist WEH Stanner gave the 1968 Boyer Lectures. Stanner argued that Australia’s sense of its past, its very collective memory, had been built on a state of forgetting, which couldn’t 'be explained by absent mindedness'.
The secret to Aldi’s success is choosing what not to do
Freo has Coles (the plastic bag supermarket), Woolies (the no plastic bag supermarket) and Aldi (not to mention IGA - where do they sit on plastic bags?). This article covers what their business models are all about.
CLOSE-UP – Performance by Seamus Jim Hughes and Guests
Close-up is an attempt to bring both the audience and the performer together in an intimate shared experience of performance,…
The Fremantle artists who found new ways of seeing the everyday
FSN loved this article written by Professor Ted Snell. The article was written in 2014 and discusses the ‘Fremantle Realists’ exhibition that was held at the Fremantle Arts Centre at that time.