Fremantle’s journey to reclaim and celebrate its heritage connections has taken a major step forward with the Fremantle City Council recently committing $10,000 towards a feasibility study into the development of an ambitious memorial that would recognize the sacrifice made by Western Australia’s commercial fishers, as they worked to help feed the State.
The Council’s commitment followed a detailed submission made to it by FLatSEA – WA Fishers’ Lost at Sea Memorial Association.
FLatSEA explained that more than 350 commercial fishers are known to have drowned in WA waters since the early 19th Century while working to put seafood on our plates. This doesn’t include the many thousands of pearlers and whalers who have also perished while working in WA waters.
FLatSEA’s President, Dr James Paratore, said the memorial would provide recognition for the ultimate sacrifice made by these fishers, while also serving as a place where families could connect again with those lost.
“We envision a memorial that will serve several needs. We were inspired by the Sea Organ in the Croatian city of Zadar as an example of what is possible. This structure is designed as a series of long, wide platforms that step down to the sea. The motion of the waves pushes air through pipes underneath that create soothing sounds,” he said.

Zadar’s Sea Organ. Credit Zadar Tourst Board
“We would love to see a similar concept for Fremantle that will fit within the city’s proposed heritage trail and showcase Fremantle’s connection with the sea, whilst providing an Atmospheric memorial experience for the community.”
While fishing lives have been lost right along the WA coastline, Fremantle is synonymous with the fishing industry and is the location of many fishing tragedies, with lives lost in the Swan River, Rottnest, Cockburn region and several along the coast off City Beach.
Unlike road accidents, Dr Paratore added, grieving families of lost fishers don’t get to put memorial crosses beside a tree, so the grief largely goes largely unrecognised.
“In some cases, the bodies are never recovered. That’s why we believe it is so important to find a place where the living can commemorate these fishing lives lost. These are lives lost while working to help feed and build this State. It is a hell of a price to pay”.
FLatSEA emphasise that having a place to visit and grieve is an important part of the healing process and a WA Sea Organ Memorial, with its own distinctive West Australian DNA will provide that point to re-connect with lost ones. It would be designed, created and built right here, and served by the natural elements, using renewable resources of wind, waves and solar.
“The WA Sea Organ Memorial is a unique style of memorial that would also be a recognised tourism drawcard, and we would love to see one located in Fremantle adjacent to the port, so it retains its connections with the sea and boats,” Dr Paratore added.
With funding for a feasibility study now in hand, the next steps for FLatSEA are to work with Fremantle Ports and the Department of Transport to determine the feasibility of a suitable location near the Port.

the Zadar Sea Prgan Memorial. Supplied YouTube
Dr Paratore indicated that – “At this stage, our preferred site is adjacent to the WA Maritime Museum at the end of Slip Street. This location is currently not used and has a lovely outlook over the Port and is away from the hustle of the city streets. It has an indelible connection with the sea. We believe a Sea Organ memorial in a location like this will become one of Fremantle’s iconic experiences and we are open to other ideas.”
FLatSEA has its own website which tells the story of hundreds of fishing lives lost, and currently serves as a digital memorial with an interactive map to show the locations of each tragedy.
The Sea Organ is seen as an opportunity to create a permanent memorial for communal gatherings and reflection, as well as a location for an interpretive centre to tell the story of WA’s commercial fishing heritage.
This video gives you a real feel for the sea organ.
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