The Wednesday Poem

Fremantle Shipping News is pleased to bring you The Wednesday Poem.

In this feature we bring you poems by Freo and Freo-connected poets and those who may not call themselves poets but love writing poetry!

Today, we are pleased to bring you Daytime Moon by Dick Alderson*.

Daytime Moon​

distance between us
blue wash
craters covered, glossed

and you only half there
winter moon
so close to the sun

its yellow light
on street and chimney
fallen leaves

yet you are waxing
approaching gibbous,
night domain—

today air hangs, trees still,
river full

eager, expectant
pregnant with your gravity

Dick Alderson

* Dick Alderson’s work has appeared in various journals including Westerly and Australian Poetry Journal, and Australian Poetry Anthology 2021-22. His first collection The Astronomer’s Wife, Sunline Press 2014 was commended on the Anne Elder Awards.

~ Look here for other poems in The Wednesday Poem feature

~ And don’t miss our podcast interviews with poets in our Poets Paddock feature

~ If you’d like to SUBMIT A POEM FOR THE WEDNESDAY POEM or COMMENT on this or any of our stories, don’t hesitate to email our Editor.


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