North Freo heritage home goes up in smoke

Heritage home up for sale one minute, burnt to the ground the next

A beautiful heritage home known locally in North Fremantle as Albert Hall, at 3 Pearse Street, has burnt to the ground overnight.

A neighbouring property also appears to have been affected by the fire.

Our Jean Hudson has reported from the tragic scene this morning and filed these pics. She says it is understood the fire started at around 6 pm yesterday and the smoke could be smelled from a number of kilometres away.

The heritage property only recently went on the market.

The real estate advert says of the property –

ALBERT HALL named after Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, exerts a regal influence on one of North Fremantle’s most prestigious streets. Standing high above other dwellings, the former church shows an enviable dominance.

And here’s where the property is located.

Media are of course all over the story this morning.

As yet the cause of the fire is unclear, but we understand the damage from the fire is extensive. Jean reports, ‘The house is gutted’.

Jean’s pics were of course from this morning. If you are trying to imagine the flames at the height of the blaze last early evening, you no longer have to. Glynn Sherris has kindly just provided us with these frighteningly graphic pics. An awful tragedy.

* By Michael Barker, Editor, Fremantle Shipping News.


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