As we reported yesterday, the Crown Princess was expected to make her maiden call at Fremantle today arriving in the wee hours.

Crown Princess arriving in Fremantle 6 November 2024. Credit Fremantle Shipping News
Well, she arrived fashionably late to the gleeful flyby of seagulls.
And not around 4 am as threatened late yesterday on Freo Port’s public page, or even at 5 am as updated on the public page this morning, but, by the time she started to come alongside at the famous Fremantle Passenger Terminal, around 5.45 am. A far more manageable hour for her guests, as the sun rose, and for our duty photographer!
Here’s the Crown Princess approaching the harbour.
Here she is as she passes the Maritime Museum.
And here she is with a proper set of background Giraffes and thingos that Fremantle offers and Sydney plainly lacks.
Who needs a welcoming party of humans rising out of the water on foils and water spouts when you have trained, biodynamic seagulls to provide a flyby welcome?
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