Donating to a charity can be rewarding but sometimes there are hurdles to overcome.
Becoming an Impact100 Fremantle donor requires a $1000 donation which is not a light consideration. Yet the appeal of supporting your local community begs the question, “How to get involved?”.

Photo by Joel Fulgencio on Unsplash
One solution to this, and which is a fun way to build your friendships, is to create a donating “circle”. A circle is where several friends together, act as one donor. The maths is pretty simple, divide the $1000 required to be a donor by the number of friends to get what you each contribute.
In a minute, you’ll meet Jack who took this approach with three of his friends … and they’ve been doing this for nine years. It requires someone to take the lead, share some email communications and to take the temperature of the circle as to which charity will receive their vote for the grant.
Creating a circle provides a lower cost entry, enables you and your friends to learn more about Impact100 and the good charitable organisations working in your community. Once you’re comfortable with the Impact100 model, one or more of the circle may consider stepping up to being a full donor.
In the second year of Impact100 Fremantle operation, Jack gathered three of his mates and encouraged them to become a circle. In this instance, they landed on a different level of contribution amongst the members that still enabled them to reach the $1000 donor level. They’ve enjoyed the process so much, that they’re about to enter their 10th year together supporting the Fremantle community via Impact100 Fremantle.
Jack takes the lead and says besides helping the community, it is also another bond between the friends. Not only do they talk about families and football, but also community. It’s an interesting route to discuss the issues within our society and yet to also know we’re not just talking about issues but contributing towards efforts to improve those issues.
If you’re thinking of joining Impact100 but want to take a lower level of commitment initially, a donor circle may be your answer. There’s no limit to the number who can be in a circle – it’s up to the circle themselves.
If you’d like to know more then you can contact Impact100 via
An added benefit for any donor, whether part of a circle or an individual, is to get your donation completed before the end of the financial year on 30 June, which enables you to include it as a deduction in your next tax return.
Joining Impact100 Fremantle is easy. For more info, and how to donate, head here! And if you’d like to see more Shipping News stories on Impact100 Fremantle, look here.
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