Freo Grandmothers for Refugees need your letter writing skills!

Just over a month ago, we reported on the formation of a Freo Branch of Grandmothers for Refugees.

Well, you might like to join them for a letter writing session this coming Monday, 28 November at 2-3 pm at St Paul’s Church Hall, 162 Hampton Road, Beaconsfield.

While visa processing and alternatives for detention are under review by the Commonwealth Government, the Grandmothers believe now is the time to contact a Senator or Member of Parliament to support the immediate release from detention of all refugees and those seeking asylum, including support and rights to work and education, as well as their permanent protection.

Even if you’re not a grandmother, but just another concerned Freo resident, you’ll be most welcome.

So get along and enjoy the fellowship of like-minded individuals while you tap away on your laptop, or put pen to paper – perhaps bring a spare Christmas card or two with you – and let those who decide these things know your views and what you’d like to happen this Christmas season.


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