Archive for month: August, 2022

Get around the glorious bobtails
Popular wisdom has it that the most colourful fauna in Fremantle are the bipeds known as homo sapiens, but warmer…
So, What’s Happening At B Shed?
B Shed is ‘Closed’. If you are wondering what buses are doing at O’Connor’s Landing, Victoria Quay and beside B…
When you walk past the Doghouse Gallery in South Terrace and glimpse inside you can’t help but take in a…
6 Big Cruise Ships Back In Freo By Christmas
From 1 October, cruise vessels with capacity for more than 350 guests and crew will be permitted to return to…
From Here To Eternity – And Home Again In Evie #5
Hi HK. Freo folk have been peppering us with the big question ever since we posted From Here To Eternity…
Murdoch v Crikey highlights how Australia’s defamation laws protect the rich and powerful
There is no better example of how Australia’s defamation laws enable the rich and powerful to intimidate their critics than…
Interview with Jason – Homeless Fremantle Person
For the past 14 months, Jason (last name withheld at his request) has been homeless in and around Fremantle. By…
Replacing The Old Traffic Bridge – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Déjà Vu All Over Again? The 'Swan River Crossings Project' got off to a bad start, back in August 2020,…
It’s all about Responsible Government – The S-G’s Opnion
Scott Morrison’s action in having himself appointed secretly to multiple ministries was legal but breached “the principle of responsible government”,…
Maritime Movements – Positively Electric
Solar It is with great anticipation we await the installation of solar panels at Fremantle Ports Inner Harbour. In the…