Freo’s Maritime Industry Assists East Timor

The WA maritime industry has come together to provide humanitarian support of much needed essential items to the East Timor community.

Fremantle Ports was approached by Ted Graham AM, the Honorary Consul General of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste, seeking assistance from service providers for the shipment of a number of containers of relief goods to Dili.

Two organisations, “Containers for Timor “and “Timor Leste Village Supporter Group” have a single objective to assist the people of East Timor by providing free, safe and much needed medical, educational and other goods to help improve lives.

Fremantle Ports sought the assistance of John Park, Head of Business Operations at the Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) to utilise his industry knowledge to co-ordinate support for this project.

Several FTA members and industry participants agreed to either supply free of charge or at discounted rates/fees their services to these organisations.

Fremantle Ports Corporate and Community Relations Manager Neil Stanbury thanked all organisations for their donated time, money and expertise to make this shipment happen.

“This was a complex undertaking involving many key organisations which generously donated and worked tirelessly to support the wonderful work,” Mr Stanbury said.

Ted Graham, Honorary Consult of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste, said that he was extremely grateful to all those organisations involved and gave his heartfelt thanks on behalf of the people of Timor.

“This will ensure that young children can receive much needed educational materials to continue their education. The whole community benefits,” he said.