Poets Paddock – Carolyn Abbs

Welcome to our Poets Paddock feature on the Shipping News.

Too often, it seems, poets are relegated to a Corner in the mainstream media. We think they should be out grazing in a Paddock – in a wider expanse where we can all see and hear their work. Mind you, Homer seems to have broken through the publicity barrier with The Odyssey!

And to be fair, poets, as a group, are not entirely the self-effacing, hiding-their-lights-under-bushels types you might think. You don’t have to look too far to find them at work here and there around the greater metropolis of Perth. As it should be!

Just the same, it’s good to shine a light on what our poets are up to. The latest fashions in poetry. The old, the new. The short, the long. That composed for a fireside read, that made for stand-up delivery. That designed to mend a broken heart, that designed to mend the environment.

In each post we include a podcast interview with the featured poet.

Our featured poets to date have included Veronica Lake, Peter Burges, Natalie D-Napoleon, Daphne Milne, Kevin Gillam, and Mike Greenacre. To find them all, simply type Poets Paddock into our Search function.

Odyssey, the epic poem attributed to Homer

Dr Carolyn Abbs is a South Fremantle poet, published in leading journals and anthologies such as Westerly, Cordite, Rabbit, Writ Poetry Review, Best Australian Poems 2014, Australian Poetry Journal, Axon: Creative Explorations, Anthology of Australian Prose Poetry and Australian Book Review, print, online, and a recording for the ‘States of Poetry Project’ (2016).

She has also won the Visible Ink, Creatrix, and KSP Poetry Prizes.

Her Ph D is from Murdoch University where she taught in the School of Arts for a number of years.

Carolyn was Highly Commended in the Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript (2016).

Her collection, The Tiny Museums, was subsequently published with UWA Publishing (2017).

Carolyn appeared at the Perth Writers Festival in 2018.

She is currently working towards a second collection of poems.

Carolyn is also the current Chairperson of the OOTA Writers group.

Carolyn kindly agreed to talk about her life as a poet with the Editor of Fremantle Shipping News, Michael Barker, and to read some of her own, favourite poems in the process.

By the way, you can buy The Tiny Museums online from UWA Press right here!

Here’s the podcast interview.