What’s Happening Here? An Urban Park?

By Michael Barker

The wonderful thing about walking the streets is that you see things, as if for the first time; things you often don’t see or take in when in a car or on a bicycle.

Often one sees empty spaces. You can’t recall if they were always empty spaces. Or you wonder how long they have been.

When I see these spaces I can’t help but wonder whether they can’t be put to some more productive community use, rather than lie there fallow, so to speak.

One assumes the spaces are privately owned, which only adds to the intrigue. Why is someone sitting on the property and not doing something with it?

For example, this take this park-like lot on South Terrace, South Fremantle – on the west side, more or less opposite Little Lefroy Street and a tad north.

It’s hard to believe the owner hasn’t done something with it. Built a big home. Or apartments. Or shops. Or whatever.

So, just what’s happening here?

When you see empty sites like this, you also wonder whether they couldn’t be adapted as temporary parks while they sit fallow.

This particular site is already well grassed. Nothing more need be done!

Perhaps the owner might consider putting up a sign saying something like –

Welcome to this cute little urban park. While our property lies fallow, you have our permission to pull up a chair and enjoy a chat over coffee with family and friends between the hours of 10 am – 4 pm Thursdays to Sundays

What do you think?