Archive for month: December, 2020

Interview with Simone McGurk, State MP for Fremantle
Simone McGurk is the State Labor Member for Fremantle in the Western Australian Parliament, and the Minister for Child Protection;…
Maritime Movements – States Of Convenience
Of the 45 ships currently in Fremantle’s port today, at various berths, anchorages and at sea, 13 are sailing under…
Places I Love – The Twelve Pubs Of Christmas
Ireland has a tradition, ‘The Twelve Pubs of Christmas’. I was telling a friend about this daft tradition recently. It’s…
Layla O Season 2 Episode 14 – Best Masala Chai Recipe
Layla O, the incomparable, the irrepressible, the irresistible, the sometimes irritating, and very famous Agony Aunt, now weaves her particular…
Let’s Not Forget All The Seafarers As We Celebrate Christmas
By Christiaan De Beukelaer, University of Melbourne It has been rightly described as a humanitarian crisis and a modern form…
Friday On My Mind – 2020 Vision, In The Rear View Mirror
So, 2020 has come and, nearly, gone. What a year! In some ways, the less said about it, the better.…
Woodman Point : The Old Quarantine Station – Listen to the Podcast Story!
Woodman Point is just 8 kilometres - a 13 minute drive or 30 minute, steady coastal bicycle ride - south of…
Seen At … The E-Shed Christmas Carnival
Everyone, it seems, was at the E-Shed Christmas carnival on Saturday 12 December just gone. It is one of the…
First Light – Primo Lux
Many years ago, in fact over seventeen, as a teacher of English, I realized that the poetry my students wrote…
Queer Culture Organises in Freo
Fremantle's ‘first ever LGBTQIA+ collective’ is bringing queer culture to the port city This n That: South Side Queers explains…