LAYLA O episode 5A: Wardrobe Malfunction

Layla O, the incomparable, the irrepressible, the irresistible, the sometimes irritating, and very famous Agony Aunt, now weaves her particular brand of video magic weekly on the Shipping News.

Layla is the mistress of mellow, mellifluous and sometimes melancholy advice for those who find themselves in need in these pandemic times.

She has brought with her to the Shipping News her loyal followers from YouTube, numbering in the many, and now looks forward to answering your very Freo lovelorn letters each Friday.

If you’re in need, email your question to LAYLA O at

If you missed them, click to catch up on episode 1episode 2episode 3, episode 4 and episode 5.


The Editor apologises on behalf of Layla O, for being unable to bring to her loyal, and very many, fans this week’s advice as planned.

First, Layla told the Editor that the video film had been caught in the projector while she was reviewing and editing her advice.

When the editor asked how come she wasn’t using a digital camera, as he thought she was, Layla said the truth was she had eaten soft saffron rice, which, as everyone knows, is taboo in Agony Aunt land, and wasn’t well.

When the Editor said that sounded a bit lame, Layla said the dog ate her homework.

When the Editor sent an appropriate emoji in response to that one, the real reason for the no-show this week reluctantly emerged from the modest one’s lips, much to her embarrassment – she’d had a near complete wardrobe malfunction in the middle of the taping of the advice (dedicated to the Me-Too movement), and hadn’t quite recovered from her embarrassment.

Regrettably, nothing the Editor could do or say could change Layla’s mind about not posting the video.

But she did ask the Editor to assure her legion of fans that she will be back, bigger than ever, next week.

In the meantime, the Editor invites you to email Layla at letting her know just what you think of her array of excuses!