In Port today, and for the next couple weeks, is Ocean Dream, the ship currently chartered by the Peace Boat organisation.
Built in 1981 by a Danish shipyard and having had a long history as a cruise boat around the world, Ocean Dream has operated as a Peace Boat since 2012.
So what’s this Peace Boat thing all about?
Well, it is a Japan-based international NGO working to promote peace, human rights, and sustainability. Guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Peace Boat’s Global Voyages offer a unique programme of activities centered on experiential learning and intercultural communication. With 35 years of experience, they have organized close to 70 around-the-world voyages, visiting more than 270 ports in 70 countries.
Each year Peace Boat organize three Global Voyages and two shorter Asian regional voyages. Over 1,000 participants visit as many as 20 different countries on three-month Global Voyages. Both onboard and in-port, the programmes use travel and education to explore the main aspects of Peace Boat’s activities – peace, human rights, and sustainability.
The visit to Fremantle of Ocean Dream right now marks the return of Peace Boat in 2020 to Australia. They are teaming up with ICAN Australia and local campaigns to promote peace and catalyse action.
The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) was founded in Australia, and Peace Boat has long enjoyed partnership and cooperation with local campaigns and friends in Australia.
While in Fremantle, local community members are invited on board for a tour and to participate in an action-based workshop on the nuclear weapon ban treaty and other local nuclear issues.
The Peace Boat people explain they are experienced nuclear-free activists and people directly impacted by the industry. They will provide a briefing on the issues and how to get active. Whether it’s advocating to your local council, parliamentary representatives or super fund, now is the time to push for meaningful action.
Ocean Dream is scheduled to stay berthed at the Fremantle Passenger Terminal until it departs for Adelaide at 5pm Thursday 25 January.
Get along and say hello!