Archive for month: October, 2019

Finding Quiet Places – Starting a Sound Insurrection!
I’m wondering whether I’m alone? It doesn’t seem to matter whether I’m walking down a public street, parked in my…
The ACCC is suing Google over tracking users. Here’s why it matters
Regulators are beginning to tackle big tech companies' hidden use of consumer data
Interview with Bruce Menzies
Bruce Menzies has lived an interesting life. From the Western Suburbs of Perth. Private school educated. UWA Law. Overseas Australian Government posting. Married with two boys. Lawyer in Fremantle and Perth. Then the taking of the ‘Orange’ and the name Anand Murti.
Blessing of the Fleet 2019
What a perfect day for a fleet blessing. Over 30 degrees. Sun out. Not much wind. The fireworks cracked and flared in a spectacular fashion.
Invisible Boys – Book Review
I interviewed Holden Sheppard, the author of this first novel recently published by Fremantle Press, nearly a year ago, at…
Making Our Blessing Count – 2019
The waves of post-war immigrants who settled in Fremantle over the course of the Twentieth Century brought with them the…
Fremantle’s cruise ship season starts Sunday
The City of Fremantle says the City’s Visitor Centre is prepped and ready to welcome the first ship of the…
“Life’s a Dog Beach” – Photographic Exhibition by Neil Wallace
Neil Wallace speaks of his two year project of recording the daily life of canines and their owners on South…
If warming exceeds 2°C, Antarctica’s melting ice sheets could raise seas 20 metres in coming centuries
We know that our planet has experienced warmer periods in the past, during the Pliocene geological epoch around three million…
Explainer: how weather can trigger dangerous tsunamis
At around 10pm on Sunday 17 August 2014, the container ship AAL Fremantle was being unloaded after arriving in Western…