We recently brought you the story of the departure from Fremantle of Ocean Infinity’s search support vessel Armada 78 06.
From all the information available to us at the time, including the on-provision of information on behalf of Ocean Infinity when we sought confirmation of what appeared to be happening with Armada 78 06, we observed the shroud of mystery hanging over the search for MK370 out of Fremantle and wondered whether the search was actually on – or off.
Then when, a day later, we sought to identify the current position of Armada 78 06 we discovered her last notified position for ship tracking purpose was out in the southern Indian Ocean not all that far from Freo.
If you look right now in Marine Traffic, for example, this is what you’ll see.

Credit Marine Traffic, 10 March 2025
And it’s been like this for 3 days.
It suddenly occurred to us that this is more or less exactly where Armada 78 06 is, quietly out of sight, conducting the MH370 search. No prying eyes. Hoping to find the wreckage and then confidentially concluding arrangements with the Malaysian Government, or anyone else willing to conclude an agreement with Ocean Infinity.
Then an email landed in our inbox from our informant Luca, who drew to our attention to the MH370-CAPTION website. On it we discovered what appear to be reliable images of the ‘phase’ of a scan – or search – currently being carried out by Armada 78 06 in the southern Indian Ocean.
Have a look at this.
MH370 CAPTION says of this scan that –
Ocean Infinity “Armada 78-06” ship appears to scan to the potential search area as presented in March 2024 during the 10th anniversary ceremony (white lines) which includes the recommended zone by CAPTION centered on 35.7°S and 93°E (yellow triangle). The other major analysts’ hot spots are also indicated.
The map … shows the track of OI “Armada 78-06” ship. Her position is updated at 30 minutes past the hour with 90 minutes behind real time at time of update (in UTC time). Her stationary positions are indicated by small green rings.
So maybe, just maybe, the search for MH370 is on and steaming full steam ahead. We may only know when Ocean Infinity tells us they’ve won or lost. So far they have said nothing, despite our further request for information.
Watch this space.
* By Michael Barker, Editor, Fremantle Shipping News
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Despite our earlier report suggesting Ocean Infinity’s search for MH370 off Fremantle may not be on, it appears in fact it may be on and happening as we speak!