Beach Street and Queen Victoria Street Closures kick in

The road closure around the Old Traffic Bridge replacement project are set to drive Freo ingressing and egressing motorists crazy for a while to come. Here’s the detail. Plan your rat runs in advance!

True to their word, Main Roads WA’s closures to Beach Street and Queen Victoria Street as of 15 April have kicked in.

Long lines of vehicles trying to exit Freo most afternoons is testament to the fact!

The reason for all this, as we have reported before, is that the Old Fremantle Traffic Bridge houses telecommunications, water and gas services that need to be removed from the deteriorating bridge before the new bridge works proceed. Gas services will be decommissioned and removed from the bridge, with new connection points activated north and south of the river.

Three new pipelines (one telecommunication and two water) will be installed under the riverbed to house the new services.

To undertake these works, site preparation has now started. To provide a safe environment for workers, road users and the community, the following changes are required.

Beach Street: Queen Victoria Street to East Street, Fremantle

15 April to August 2024: Temporary closure of Beach Street to vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.

Access to the businesses and carpark on Beach Street east of the bridge have been maintained.

Pedestrian and cyclist access maintained along the Beach Street foreshore. Path behind the café stays open.

Detour route for vehicles

Detour route for pedestrians and cyclists

Queen Victoria Street: Tydeman Road to Canning Highway

Intermittent single lane closures may be required for site works from April 2024.

Road users are encouraged to plan ahead, allow additional travel time and follow all traffic management directions. To minimise disruption to residents, businesses and road users, road modifications will be removed as soon as possible. 

Advanced notification

May 2024: A weekend closure of Swan Street, between Tydeman Road and the traffic bridge, will be required to allow space for the pre-assembled pipe to be pulled back under the river for service relocation works.


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