South Mole Closure Supported – Letter to the Editor

Our article Rave party the last straw – Freo Ports closes South Mole to Campers, has been widely read and shared since it was posted yesterday. The Fremantle Ports’ decision may have some critics, but judging by this letter to the Shipping News’ editor from our reader Ian Scown of Spearwood, a port lover and regular visitor to the South and North Moles, that arrived in our email inbox soon after our article was posted, there are many who strongly support the decision, can’t understand why it was so long coming – and would go further. Here’s Ian’s letter. For more South Mole Closure Letters to the Editor look here.

To the Editor,

Thanks for such a great article.

As a former Victorian who loves WA, and has retired and moved here permanently, I’m totally disgusted with what has happened at South Mole. There are people out there who think they can do what ever they want. Including the vandalism of South Mole.

All the authorities had to do was look at South Beach. Nothing was done till it was out of hand.

My fear is that it will spread to North Mole, and it will be closed off to the public. And I’m starting to see it happen when I go there. Of a night you can see camping at Rous Head.

It has taken away fishing spots for locals and a beautiful spot to see ships enter and leave Port.

As a person who loves photography and others as well, we have lost a place to take photos of the port at night. Fremantle ports are a stunning place to take photos.

My personal opinion is that anyone caught staying overnight should incurred a fine of over $300. And to make sure the fine is paid their vehicle wheels are clamped.

The number of campers vehicles that are unroadworthy was a total shock to me the last time I was at South Mole. The police could have had a field day. Note I’m a former truck driver with over 30 years experience.


Ian Scown
(Address supplied)


* If you’d like to COMMENT on this or any of our stories, don’t hesitate to email our Editor.


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