Archive for month: November, 2023

Something to read about, if not talk about
All parts of your body age and the penis is no exception. Changes to how your penis looks or works…
Is Hope an Option?
The pandemic has begun to fade in our everyday consciousness. Covid variants have far from disappeared but ‘the virus’ is…
Hot off the press – A New Bridge For Freo
This has literally just arrived in our inbox at around 10.30 this morning. What do you think? Here’s what Main…
How could Australia actually get to net zero? Here’s how
Every bit of warming matters if we want to avoid the worst impacts for climate change, as the latest report…
Freo’s latest and greatest tourist attraction!
So, this fence-like, wall-like structure was erected in quick time yesterday on the old, derelict, soon-to-be redeveloped, Woolstores building’s Beach…
View from the Round House with Martin Drum – Is Michelle Grattan right: Does our political system need renovating?
Welcome back to our politics podcast, View From The Round House With Martin Drum. Michelle Grattan, professorial fellow at the…
Let’s talk about Sharon and the book club she loved
Some book clubs are structured, strict and serious. But one local book club doesn’t fit this mould. Once named the…
Cruising Time Is Here Again!
Cruising Time is here again! On Friday 20 October, the Coral Geographer arrived in Fremantle, kicking off the spring/summer cruise…
Max Wung plays Dvorak – Don’t miss it!
Brahms reportedly said of Dvorak’s cello concerto: ‘If I had known that it was possible to compose such a concerto…