Interview With New Freo Mayor, Hannah Fitzhardinge

So, the dust has settled.

Hannah Fitzhardinge is now the Mayor of Fremantle, the second most important elected office in the land, after that of Premier.

And Councillor Frank Mofflin is now the Deputy Mayor.

And we also have 6 freshly elected members of the Freo Council (one unopposed), including a number of old hands.

There are two new ouncillors: Fedele J Camarda (Beaconsfield Ward) and Ben Lawver (Hilton Ward), who were elected to four-year terms.

Adin Lang (City Ward), Doug Thompson (North Ward), Andrew Sullivan (South Ward) and Jenny Archibald (East Ward—elected unopposed) were also re-elected for another four years.

Here’s a nice snap of the new Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, and all the other Councillors, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor resplendent in their chains and the Councillors all suitably frocked up for the occasion. (So pleased to see the tie is die-ing!)

The Shipping News’ editor, Michael Barker, was kindly granted an audience with our new Mayor today, where he took the opportunity to ask her how things have been since her whirlwind victory last Saturday night, and what she hopes to achieve in her first 100 days in office.

Here’s our podcast interview with the Mayor. Hear what she had to say.

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