Archive for month: April, 2020

Friday on my mind – The wonderful human condition
You really do have to love we humans. We may wallow for a bit, but then we, most of us,…
Omeo, Omeo, Wherefore Art Thou Omeo?
Listening to Beatles music from the safety of my home, I think, at the moment, we all live in a…
A Roaming Eye
I lie awake, watching the morning light seep through the drawn blinds. Outside, the street is silent. Soon there will…
Update on our fav ships movements
For those of you - plainly not including our Premier - who may still have a passing interest in the…
Take the Fremantle Shipping News Covid-19 Survey Today
If you live alone, are you slowly going mad under the Covid-19 Stage 3 isolation rules? If you don’t live…