The Wednesday Poem

Fremantle Shipping News is pleased to introduce a new feature, The Wednesday Poem.

We look forward to bringing you poems by Freo amd Freo-connected poets and those who may not call themselves poets but love writing poetry!

Today, we are pleased to bring you Why Does This Happen by Gail Willems*.

Why Does This Happen​

I want to love my family but I’m tired of them
waiting for me to die. And they make
so much noise

when they stay. It’s a top room with windows closed
and the television thumping. They’ve been inside
my house for days. How

can I think with all that artillery. I want to love
the way early morning looks
through the glass wall of my

kitchen, how rainbow light twitches
through my windows. But that only reminds me
it is getting later and I

can’t tell you what I should do now
I want to love everyone but I’m tired. In Ukraine the
shells fall and I ask why

Why did this happen to you?
And me

Gail Willems

* Gail Willems is a retired nurse, published in UK, US, Santa Domingo, Australia. She is still surprised when she is published. First poetry collection Blood Ties and Crack Fed Dreams is published by Ginninderra Press.

~ Look here for other poems in The Wednesday Poem feature

~ And don’t miss our podcast interviews with poets in our Poets Paddock feature

~ If you’d like to SUBMIT A POEM FOR THE WEDNESDAY POEM or COMMENT on this or any of our stories, don’t hesitate to email our Editor.


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