Now, as all Shipping News readers know, foxes, those sly, dastardly, vermin intruders and snarers of things native and precious, are never found, it seems, on Fremantle or South Freo’s beaches, or the banks of the Derbarl Yerrigan in East Fremantle, or near the river at North Fremantle, but, it appears, only, exclusively, in the esteemed surrounds of Leighton Beach.
You can make of that what you will!
We are assuming of course that all the Fox Watch sightings are not fake, AI generated, or purely mechanical devices created by some clever Leighton folk.
But we trust Paige, implicitly. Paige, ever on the lookout for Fox Watch, captured this, we can’t say rare, but bordering on rare video footage of the/a/another Fox on the dunes at Leighton Beach last evening. Fox on the run, you might call it.
Here’s the video.
Great camera work, Paige. Thanks. A very Steven Spielberg hand-held quality to it too. And love how it is brought to a truly poetic close with the Port giraffes featuring in the distance.
The biggest challenge for your Ed on posting this is, do we put it in the Beaches category, the Environment category, or the Life Law and Culture category. As we don’t have a dastardly, vermin intruders and snarers of things native and precious category, let’s put it under Environment this time!
(Must remember to quiz the candidates for Cottesloe when I interview them soon on where they stand on the Fox Issue. Could be a vote winner/loser …)
Btw, if you’d like to recap on our earlier Fox Watch stories look here
By Michael Barker, Editor, Fremantle Shipping News
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