Archive for year: 2023

The Missing Towers of Fremantle City
Most visitors to Fremantle's historic West End climb the steps to the Round House. Once there, most of them take…
Don’t miss Jackie Ellis’ ‘JOY AND LIGHT’ Exhibition
We all seek joy and light in our lives, don’t we? Well, Jackie Ellis, an East Kimberley-based artist, is about…
What’s Happening Here – Leeuwin Barracks, East Freo?
There’s a whole lot of demolition activity going on right now at the Leeuwin Barracks. If you drive past or…
Atlantic Lily – Great Name!
So many great names for ships, a bit like horses. Atlantic Lily. Wonder where that came from? She’s an Oil/Chemical…
Fremantle Harbour’s beautiful bird, the Pelican
The pelican is a bird not frequently seen in Fremantle’s Inner Harbour (though it happens occasionally), but this wasn’t always…
Investigating the Investigator
Australia’s flagship ocean research vessel, the RV Investigator, has been docked in Fremantle Harbour for a few days now, but…
Teslas, Sheep, Science, Stuff Happening!
Peter Hughes Drive into and around Victoria Quay, Fremantle Port is currently closed to regular Mums and Dads traffic because…
WA farmers’ outstanding recent grain harvest will result in back-to-back grain shipments throughout 2023, according to Fremantle Ports. Here’s some…
North Mole Closed
The lovely red North Mole at the entrance to Fremantle’s Inner Harbour is closed for approximately eight weeks for necessary…
Seen In … Cold Nips, Bathers Beach
What the heck is Cold Nips? That’s exactly the question your editor asked himself when he stumbled across a couple…