The majestic Cunard cruise liner Queen Elizabeth is currently at sea on the Indian Ocean steaming her way from Bali to Fremantle, arriving here Monday morning, 27 November at 05.30.
Here she is arriving in Port earlier this year, on 7 March 2023. She’s makes quite an entrance!

Queen Elizabeth arriving Fremantle 7 March 2023. Credit Fremantle Shipping News
QE is currently on a 35 days, one-way cruise from Barcelona to Fremantle.
She departed Barcelona on 23 October 2023, visiting Toulon, French Riviera; La Spezia, Italian Riviera; Valencia and Ibiza, Spain; Crete, Greece; Suez Canal and Luxor, Egypt; Oman; Sri Lanka; Singapore; Jakarta, Indonesia and Bali.
In Freo, QE will be a ‘transit ship’, which means that a number of passengers will disembark – 1285 in fact; and 1242 will embark replacing them and joining the remaining 650 transit passengers for the cruise to Adelaide and onwards.
Also onboard are 982-crew. They will be stocking up on staples, enjoying Freo’s restaurants and cafes, free Wi-Fi and the special offers for cruise ship crew around Fremantle. Make them welcome!
As you can see, she’s a biggie.

Queen Elizabeth arriving Fremantle 7 March 2023. Credit Fremantle Shipping News
So, expect lots of visitors around Fremantle on Monday.
You might like to join them at Walyalup Koort at 09.30 am for Woola Walyalup – a special cultural welcome to our visitors, including didgeridoo music, smoking ceremony and dance performance. You are very welcome to attend.
118 passengers are on pre-booked tours and will be whisked away in buses, probably to Kings Park or the Swan Valley.
QE then departs Freo on Monday night at 22.00, for Adelaide – also a sight to see.
And don’t forget, it doesn’t matter whether you are an early riser or a night owl – you can watch QE arrive in the pre-dawn light or depart under the cover of darkness. Don’t miss her!
* STORY by Jean Hudson @jeansodyssey. Jean is our Shipping Correspondent and also a regular feature writer and photographer here on the Shipping News. You may like to follow up her informative Places I Love stories, as well as other feature stories and Freo Today photographs, right here.
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