Freo Today. 20 June 2024. Winter solstice today. Shortest day. Yesterday morning at the Maritime Museum, just after the first ferries had departed the Port for Wadjemup/Rotto, the Mayor of Fremantle, Hannah Fitzhardinge, launched Freo’s Destination Development Strategic Plan 2023-2027. A whole lot of folk from Freo’s business community were in attendance to hear the good news from the Mayor and Linda Wayman, Chair of Freo’s Destination Marketing Working Group and board member of Tourism Australia, that visitations to Freo are beginning to recover to near pre-pandemic levels and that we can expect them to go higher in the time ahead. You will soon start seeing smart, movie-like, 15 second Freo promos on your TVs and here and there soon, promoting – THIS IS FREMANTLE.