‘Mayor’s Park’? Nup … we must dissent from the Quizmaster’s ruling!

Freo Today. 27 July 2023. And the rain keeps on tumbling down in July, just as Slim Dusty sang all those songs ago. One thing is troubling us here at the Shipping News, however, and that is the name of this place at the intersection of Adelaide and Parry Streets, Fremantle. Once, quite a while ago it was at the intersection of Adelaide, Parry and Edward Streets, Fremantle. Then Edward was renamed Parry along the way. Anyway, at the Great Inner City Precinct Quiz Night last night at the fabulous Navy Club, the Quizmaster asserted this place is, not was, ‘Mayor’s Park’. We don’t think he’s correct, as this wonderful account of the history of the place in Fremantle Stuff explains. Once, for sure, but no longer. Today, it’s just the Proclamation Tree and Marmion Memorial, the Tree, which was planted in 1890, celebrating the grant of Responsible Government to the Colony of Western Australia that year, and the Memorial, erected in 1902, recognising the contributions to Freo of leading politician of yesteryear, William Marmion who died in 1896.