Well, it looks like the first shots in the phony war over the Federal seat of Fremantle have been fired, well before the official setting of the election date.
Just after Dawn, well, at 9.30 am this morning to be precise, Kate Hulett announced that, now she’s been blooded by the recent election contest for the State seat of Fremantle versus Simone McGurk, she has decided to extend her political campaign as a Voices4, Teal style community candidate to the Federal seat of Fremantle currently held by Labor’s Josh Wilson.
Here is our report on the Hulett announcement.
No sooner had we done that when we received a statement from Josh Wilson telling us that he is well and truly up to the forthcoming election duel and just loves campaigning. Or words to that effect.
Here’s Josh Wilson’s statement –
I love campaigning because it’s the opportunity to ask my community for the massive responsibility of representing them in the national parliament, and I’m always happy to do that on the basis of my principles, values, work ethic, and record.
“People know me as someone who stands up and delivers results, including on issues that matter to Fremantle like ocean protection, Australian manufacturing from shipbuilding to film-making, and of course the sensible transition out of the live sheep trade.
“This is going to be a close election at which people in Fremantle and Cockburn will choose between a Labor government that has maintained a strong economy in tough times while creating a cleaner and cheaper energy future, or a Coalition government whose plans are to go nuclear by wrecking the budget and cutting services to pay for it.
You just have to love the thrill, the spectacle, the drama of the Democratic process, don’t you!
Needless to say, we at the Shipping News are looking forward to reporting to you on all the campaigning for Fremantle between now and 10 May 2025, the date most frequently mentioned as the Federal election date.
* By Michael Barker, Editor, Fremantle Shipping News
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