Many interesting topics to dive into this fortnight after the Ordinary Freo Council Meeting of Wednesday, 26 February 2025.
Everything was up for grabs during Public Question Time: dog exercise areas, Mark Zuckerberg, overhanging tree branches, the Third Reich, feral foxes, toilets, even font size when it came to the Annual General Meeting!
A raucous gallery at times.
Explains why this meeting spanned nearly four hours.
According to the Officer report, the original North Fremantle Heritage Trail was recognised in 2004, thanks to the efforts of conservation groups, locals, and the City of Fremantle.
Just over 20 years later, it’s time for a refresh.
The City is progressing renewal of the signage with the input of Whadjuk Elders and the community. The aim is to “revitalise and enrich” the trail by improving wayfinding, defining routes, and interpretation of heritage places.
This comprises of “2 trail head signs and 3 place nodes, 20 place marker signs and place trackers as shown in the strategy.”
The North Fremantle Community Association advises:
The heritage trail was originally developed as a National Bicentennial project for community participation devised by the Western Australian Heritage Committee to commemorate the 1988 Bicentenary. The bicentennial heritage trails project established a state-wide network of heritage trails and routes to increase awareness and enjoyment of WA’s natural and cultural heritage. Unfortunately, over time, the signs and interpretation on the heritage trail have fallen into disrepair and most have now been removed.
The heritage trail was developed with input from the local community, City of Fremantle, and local and state conservation groups. Many local people volunteered their time and energy to restore and beautify the trail. The proposal from the City of Fremantle seeks to reinstate and reinvigorate the heritage trail through improved heritage interpretation, wayfinding and route marking and by improving the trail surface in some areas.
The community of North Fremantle are strongly and actively engaged in celebrating and protecting the rich and varied history of the North Fremantle. The reinvigoration of the heritage trail will ensure that new residents and visitors to North Fremantle have easy access to learn about the areas fascinating history.
The revitalisation will be carried out over two phases:
• Yoorn Trail – Current phase
“Named after the Yoorn (Bobtail), symbolising resilience and continuity, the Yoorn Trail will be the first section of the revitalised trail. Drawing from the original 1988 loop, it will focus on the town centre, surrounding suburb, and intersect with the river at Cypress Hill.”
Signage is intended to be installed over April–May 2025.
• Dwert Trail – Next phase
“Named after the Dwert (dingo), this trail will connect the river to the ocean along the foreshore. Guided by Whadjuk Elders, it will emphasise cultural significance, with a focus on protecting sacred places and stories, including the Dingo Flour Mill site.”

North Fremantle Heritage Trail Strategy Map & signage – City of Fremantle Council Report
The trails will be complemented by digital recording of key data, including input from the online platform StoryMaps “to map and share QR information about the North Fremantle Heritage Trail place markers”. A callout for more information such as historic imagery will be made soon.
A total budget of $106,330 over two stages will deliver the project, largely thanks to grant funding obtained from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. Stage one is already complete and entailed community engagement as well as paying consultants for the signage strategy.
Community engagement extended from 10 January 2024 to close-of-business on 18 February 2024. This included a scavenger hunt to encourage participation and interaction with the proposed trail, and a guided twilight walk with 65 participants through portions of the heritage trail. The walk gave attendees an opportunity to immersive themselves in the trail, share stories, and “highlight culturally significant narratives from Whadjuk Elders and the Community.”
The North Fremantle Heritage Trail Reference Group (PRG) was established to oversee the project. The Reference Group are comprised of two elected members, five City officers, twelve industry professionals or community stalwarts such as members of the North Fremantle Community Association, members of the Access and Inclusion Working Group, Whadjuk Elders, and local key community groups. They are tasked with advising:
• On stories and historical narratives of cultural significance within the area.
• Offering valuable input on the thematic direction of the project.
• Shaping both the physical and digital look and feel of the signage.
• Identifying preferred locations along the trail.
The North Fremantle Community Association were instrumental in successfully assisting the City to obtain the grants necessary to realise the project.
Mayor Fitzhardinge commended the project while noting that there may be a few future requests for the area coming through, including dealing with the “shade structure that doesn’t provide shade”.
Council unanimously voted in favour of the officer recommendation that:
Council note the North Fremantle Heritage Trail Signage Revitalisation Engagement Report, provided in Attachment 1, and endorse the North Fremantle Heritage Trail Signage Revitalisation Project, provided in Attachment 2.
Anyone interested in learning more is encouraged to take a look at the report and strategy right here.
This arises from a recommendation of the International Relations Working Group to approve further proposed international travel for the Mayor to visit the City of Fremantle Sister City and Friendship Cities of:
• Funchal
• Capo d’Olando
• Molfetta
• Korcula
• And other related travel.
In case you were curious, the City has the current Sister and Friendship City Agreements:
Sister Cities:
• Seberang Perai, Malaysia – 19 August 1978
• Yokosuka, Japan – 25 April 1979
• Capo d’Orlando, Italy – 26 February 1983
• Molfetta, Italy – 6 September 1984
• Funchal, Portugal – 6 February 1996
Friendship Cities:
• Surabaya, Indonesia – 24 April 1996
• Padang, Sumatra – 21 August 1996
• Korcula, Croatia – 1999

Capo D’Orlando

Capo d’Orlando coastline 2010 and Mayors Jenny Archibald and Enzo 1996 – courtesy of former mayor Brad Pettit’s mayoral blog on 19 August 2010
Council and City staff are typically tasked with the “unrelenting” burden of nurturing these relationships in person via overseas travel lest they risk snubbing the host cities, as was apparently the unfortunate case from an unattended Crotian folk lore dance event which they are “still bitter about”, recounted Mayor Fitzhardinge.
The City has not conducted any Sister City or Friendship City related travel since 2017 and all international related travel was suspended during the COVID pandemic in 2020.
The cost of this particular itinerary is expected to amount to $10,475 (unless the host cities elect to stump up some of the funds as a declared gift), comprising of
Flights (inc. insurance) $5,000.00
Ferry/Train travel $600.00
Accommodation $3,000.00
Meal allowance $1,875.00
Costs are based on a quote received Monday 3 February 2024 and may vary at the time of booking. $125 meal allowance per day (15 days)
TOTAL $10,475.00
The Mayor advised during the International Relations Working Group meeting that “some of the accommodation costs may be covered by the sister cities, however these arrangements are yet to be confirmed.” The Group has a budget of $15,000 either way in case expenses exceed the above.
The first destination of Rome, Italy, is planned for 27 – 29 April 2025 to meet with Senator Francesco Giacobbe on the topic of the Genoa immigration museum project and further develop Italian Government support for the Fremantle / Sister City initiatives. It’s noted a budget amendment may be required should they wish to pursue the notion of adding an additional delegate to travel with the Mayor. (And if they need an urban planner to provide them with searingly intelligent insights into their destinations, hopefully they’ll look no further than yours truly.)
Council voted (with Cr Lawver and Cr Lang against) in favour of the officer recommendation that:
1. approve the proposed international travel for the Mayor and one additional City representative to visit the City of Fremantle Sister City and Friendship Cities of Funchal, Capo d’Olando, Molfetta and Korcula, and other related travel, as detailed in Attachment 1.
2. Requests a report on any outcomes/observations from each visit, be brought back to Council for consideration.
AUKUS was held front and centre at this year’s AGM of Electors on 3 February. Rarely a calm night, once again the electors refused to receive the Annual Report findings and demanded that the City follow suit of other AGMs recently held in neighbouring local governments by holding a community forum on AUKUS.
89 community members attended the meeting, presenting 5 motions for consideration.
These are:
Motion 1 submitted by Leonie Lundy
That Council:
1. Requires the City to call a public meeting to address the need for community information and consultation about AUKUS, as identified in the Perth South West Metro Alliance’s (PSWMA) report “Building Defence Social Licence in the Perth South West Region”;
2. Requests the meeting:
a. Includes attendance of qualified representatives from the Australian Submarine Agency (ASA) and ARPANSA, and the relevant local MP or a government defence spokesperson;
b. Includes panel participation of a First Nations spokesperson and representatives from Stop AUKUS WA, Nuclear Free WA (NF-WA), Medical Association for Prevention of War (MAPW) and Conservation Council of WA (CCWA);
c. Allows a substantial Q&A. Questions may be submitted in advance to ASA and ARPANSA to ensure they are answered at the event, questions also will be allowed from the floor;
d. Be moderated by an impartial member of the community, wider public or media; and
e. Is widely advertised through traditional and digital media.
The officer report posited that “it would be reasonable to discuss the option for a combined meeting to be held within the region with the other local governments and their communities” coordinated by the Perth South West Metropolitan Alliance.
This recommendation was upheld.
Motion 2 submitted by Dominique Mimnagh
That Council instruct the Chief Executive Officer to write to
– the Prime Minister;
– the Commonwealth Minister for Health and Aged Care;
– the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care;
– the Chief Health Officer;
– the Commonwealth Health Secretary;
– the WA Premier;
– the WA Department of Health; and
– the WA Minister for Health, to:
1. Urge the immediate suspension of the use of all COVID-19 vaccines in Australia;
2. Engage a body of qualified experts, including the Chief Health Officer of the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee, to conduct a comprehensive, science-based evaluation of emerging evidence regarding synthetic DNA contamination to the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines; and
3. Investigate excess deaths and hospitalisations in Western Australia following vaccine rollouts, specifically:
a) Prior to the reopening of state borders; and
b) Over the longer term.
In what could be considered a modest jab at the Motion, the officer comment observed “the above resolution indicates a remaining concern a small number of community members have in relation to the Covid-19 vaccination.”
The response included a link provided by the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) which refutes and responds to allegations of DNA contamination titled “Addressing misinformation about excessive DNA in the mRNA vaccines | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)”, which can be accessed here:
While the officer recommendation advised against aligning with the Motion request, they did acquiesce to “request the Chief Executive Officer write to the Therapeutic Goods Association to note concerns of a section of our community remain in relation to side effects of Covid-19 vaccinations and to encourage the continuation of appropriate evidence based research with professional peer review of the effects or otherwise of Covid-19 vaccines to ensure best practice public safety is maintained.”
In other words, that’s a firm “No”, but the concerns are noted.
Motion 3 submitted by May-Ring Chen
1. The electors of Fremantle request that council instructs the Mayor to apologise to the residents of the City of Fremantle.
2. Those affected by the mandate demand partial refund of paid rates for during the time residents were denied access to many services.
We are not enlightened by the Motion as to precisely what it is the Mayor should be apologising for.
The officer writing the report gathered it must relate to the Covid-19 restrictions, specifically the “mandated restrictions put in place by Commonwealth and State agencies.” Not the City.
It implies that the City failed to deliver services in accordance with community expectations during this time. Not necessarily true, and the officer observes the City still delivered its “award winning neighbour to neighbour program.”
Numerous members of the public raised questions relating to this Motion advising of symptoms associated with their vaccinations and their experiences of alleged discrimination or improper treatment where they had refused or were unable to obtain a Covid-19 vaccination.
Many of these were emotional statements describing debilitating health conditions and impact on their employment, advising of their fruitless efforts in lobbying the TGA, Federal and State Government leaving local government as their last resort for garnering a formal response.
Mayor Fitzhardinge held firm on the City’s standing position regarding the approach to vaccinations.
Motion 4 submitted by Elisabeth Megroz
a) The City fully clarify to ratepayers what is to occur with overhanging street tree branches onto private properties; and
b) Trees will be pruned to the property line if property owners want overhanging branches removed.
One assumes that this has to do with the draft Tree Protection Policy recently advertised but the officer report doesn’t go there. They recommend that “Council note that the City will continue to manage trees in accordance with the Trees on City Owned or Managed Land Council Policy.”
They also remarked that “general property clearance is not considered a sufficient or justifiable reason for the pruning or removal of City trees.” Wonder if there’s a bit of history there.
Motion 5 submitted by Marija Vujcic
a) Motion of no confidence in Mayor Fitzhardinge handling of the City finances and in particular the South Beach Toilets and Changeroom Project, inaccurate reporting of operational costs, capex and budget.
b) That the City conducts an independent investigation into the South Beach toilet and changeroom project immediately and to make the report available to ratepayers and residents. The report is to provide an honest assessment of the projects progress and the clear plan of addressing the issues with a deadline for the project’s completion.
The officer response? Short and sharp: “The motion is noted with no further action required.”
The report notes that “the Construction of the South Beach changerooms is well underway and will be completed by Q2, 2025. The process for design, budget and contract appointment has been the subject of multiple reports to council which have been provided within public council agendas.” No single elected member is responsible for the delivery of that project or decision of Council.
Lastly, the Council voted that it:
1. Receives the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Electors held on 3 February 2025, provided in Attachment 1.
2. Acknowledge the five Motions carried by Electors at the Annual General Meeting of Electors (2025), as outlined in this report.
3. Adopt the following in response to the Motions carried by Electors at the Annual General Meeting of Electors (2025):
a. Motion 1:
i. Council supports the intent of motion 1, and
ii. Council request the Chief Executive Officer seek to arrange with members of the Perth South West Metropolitan Alliance meeting/s sought in motion 1; with at least one to be held in the Fremantle area.
b. Motion 2:
i. Council not support motion 2, for the reasons outlined in this report.
ii. Council request the Chief Executive Officer write to the Therapeutic Goods Association to note concerns of a section of our community remain in relation to side effects of Covid-19 vaccinations and to encourage the continuation of appropriate evidence based research with professional peer review of the effects or otherwise of Covid-19 vaccines to ensure best practice public safety is maintained.
iii. Council request the Chief Executive Officer provide a copy of the motion that was carried by Electors at the Annual General Meeting of Electors, for information only to:
– the WA Minister for Health;
– the WA Department of Health; and
– the Chief Health Officer (WA).
c. Motion 3: Council not support motion 3, for the reasons outlined in this report.
d. Motion 4: Council note that the City will continue to manage trees in accordance with the Trees on City Owned or Managed Land Council Policy.
e. Motion 5: Council not support motion 5, for the reasons outlined in this report.

City of Fremantle Annual Report 2023-2024 Excerpt and the source of the disgruntlement regarding font size (which is Atkinson Hyperlegible size 9pt, apparently)
Cr Lang, responding to the current national zeitgeist ahead of the March election, moved a Notice of Motion regarding ‘Disclosure of Political Interests’ which ultimately lost. Would knowing that Cr Sullivan is a member of the Greens, for instance, affect your perception of him as a councillor? Should he and others have to disclose their affiliations? Does it matter? What about religious affiliations, as Cr Graham queried? It is uncertain.
Mayor Fitzhardinge moved a Notice of Motion for Collie Street to be converted to a “one way”. Will that assist in breathing life back into this ailing street, once home to the beloved Duck Duck Bruce Café and the Chart & Map shop? Time will tell. Currently, it serves mostly cars seeking a desperate spot in the Collie Street car park. The Motion was amended and adopted unanimously after the Mayor conferred with Cr Sullivan who raised concerns that it may encourage cars to in fact drive faster, and now reads that Council:
Requests the Chief Executive Officer:
1. Investigate the feasibility of reconfiguring the public realm in and around Collie and Nairn streets to identify and facilitate desired improvements, including:
• significantly improved pedestrian thoroughfare and sense of place in Collie Street to complement its function as a critical linkage from The Esplanade through to The Cappuccino Strip and Walyalup Koort.
• aligning pedestrian routes in Collie Street with the safe crossing location (crosswalk) at Marine Terrace
• incorporate outcomes that significantly improve pedestrian and alternative transport movement while maintaining a serviceable level of vehicular movements to the area, especially access for emergency and service vehicles and access to the multi-storey car park, including during major events involving street closures.
• improved pedestrian experience in Nairn Street.
• resolution of vehicle circulation conflicts in Nairn Street whilst maintaining its function as a secondary street with a residential/mixed-use character.
• identify the physical constraints to tree planting and develop designs that optimise the opportunity to improve canopy cover.
2. Develop costings for an infrastructure project(s) to implement the desired improvements, subject to community consultation and budget consideration.
3. Identify potential funding sources for the project.
Not to be dissuaded by the Council decision last fortnight to permit the development of a Child Care Premises in the last commercial opportunity in Samson, Cr Lawver moved a Notice of Motion for ‘Café, Shops, and Retail Options in Samson’. The Motion won, with Cr Graham and Cr Thompson against.
RADM’s don’t generally dive into the inner workings of the working groups, but this fortnight covered such interesting topics that it’d be a crime not to at least highlight their latest deeds. Summaries of the City’s working groups were presented at this meeting, including the:
• City Plan Engagement Working Group: where a summary of the draft City Plan Report was presented and discussed, which gave staff the opportunity to review the structure of the document and obtain an update on the ‘What If’ initiative “where select consultant teams have been invited to develop hypothetical projects which test some of the key principles, initiatives and sites of the City Plan.”
• Destination Marketing Working Group: this Council meeting filled vacant positions within the Group, which also sought to include a representative from the Fishing Boat Harbour Traders Group. The Group recently met to “discuss upcoming marketing opportunities, the process for new members joining the working group, future activations and campaigns, trade activity and the timeline for the rollout of the pedestrian wayfinding system.” An update was also provided on the Shop Independent. Shop Freo retail campaign, and planning for 2025/2026 has commenced. By the way, the DMWG has guided the City in delivering the following to date:
o 15.5 million people reached through campaigns and activations
o 40.96 million social media impressions
o 1.73 million visits to
o 4.09 million page views on
o 1.89 million engagements with Visit Fremantle social platforms
o $9.89 million in economic impact from activations (167,000 attendees)
o 1.4 million e-newsletters sent to This Is Fremantle subscribers
o 109,332 total followers
• Community Emissions Working Group: the Group reviewed options for an update of the City’s Local Planning Policy 2.13 – Sustainable Building Design Requirements, exploring new measures to improve sustainability outcomes while streamlining the Development Application process based upon case studies from other local governments. This could include an “Environmental Sustainable Development” checklist, life-cycle analysis costing, or formalising Green Star rating requirements. This meeting also considered a presentation for a potential Community Emissions Reductions Plan, watch this space.
• International Relations Working Group: This Group recently discussed the
o City of Annapolis Proclamation
o Council Policy – International Relations
o Proposed Travel Itinerary 2025
o Yokosuku, Japan Exchange Program Correspondence with City of Fremantle
o Carnivale & Blessing of the Fleet
o Nunzio Gumina retirement
The City received a petition signed by approximately 187 residents requesting that Mills & Wares Park in South Fremantle be officially designated as an off-lead dog exercise space. No further action is recommended at this time at least until a review of the Dog Exercise and Prohibited Areas Policy and the Dogs Local Law is complete later this year (which caused some rumblings due to the local government elections).
The City also adopted its Corporate Report – 1 July to 31 December 2024 and considered the 2024 – 2025 Budget Review.
The meeting closed at 9:34pm.
What a night! See you in March.
By Gayle O’Leary. If you’d like to catch up on more by Gayle here on Fremantle Shipping News, look right here!
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