Seen out and about
Seen at Bazaar and Day of VW
in Seen in Freo
FSN were busy little bees this weekend catching up with punters enjoying a few of the many events...
Seen with the Pirates on the Duyfken
in Seen in Freo
It was Pirate Day on the Duyfken on the 23rd. FSN spent the afternoon with some rather rascally, swashbuckling pirates. Buckets...
Seen In … ANZAC Day Fremantle
in Seen in Freo
At 5.50 am sharp this morning the Anzac Day service at Monument Hill, Fremantle, at the Freo War Memorial,...
Seen under the Rainbow
in Seen in Freo
FSN was delighted to spend the evening at this simply wonderful, colourful event under the Rainbow!
Seen at HMAS Success – Freedom of Entry March
in Seen in Freo
A great, wet morning in the City saw the Mayor, Dr Brad Pettit grant the freedom of the City...
Seen at the Fremantle Arts Festival – Part 1
in Seen in Freo
No doubt it's obvious by now how much we at FSN love Fremantle and this past weekend at the...
Seen at Laneway Festival
in Seen in Freo
FSN had an amazing time at the St Jerome’s Laneway Festival. Gorgeous people in attendance to see a lineup of...
Seen In … Cold Nips, Bathers Beach
in Seen in Freo
What the heck is Cold Nips? That’s exactly the question your editor asked himself when he stumbled across a...