Seen at The Enchanted High Tea
Seen at Maritime Day
in Seen in Freo
FSN headed down to their favourite part of Freo to enjoy the annual Maritime Day. All sorts of great activities,...
Seen at May Day
in Seen in Freo
May Day or International Workers Day is celebrated every year around the world. In WA (Freo) the annual May Day...
Seen around Bathers Beach
in Seen in Freo
Bathers Beach & Fishing Boat harbour are the perfect locations for a lazy sunny afternoon. The place actually belongs...
Seen at Winterworld
in Seen in Freo
FSN rugged up in Winter woolies and headed to Winterworld on the Esplanade. It’s Australia’s largest pop-up outdoor ice rink. We...
Seen Cleaning the Beach
in Seen in Freo
On Saturday morning a group of fabulous folk joined in with the Sea Shepherd Australia Marine Debris crew to...
Seen In … Behind The Scenes @ RCS
in Seen in Freo
Kirsty Greenland was at Cottesloe Beach last Saturday at the start of the Rottnest Channel Swim. She arrived at...
Seen with the Descendants
in Seen in Freo
FSN loved taking part in the Commemoration Ceremony and Walk of the Descendants to Fremantle Prison on Wednesday 10...