Seen on World Ocean Day
Seen in the Cafes
in Seen in Freo
Over the past few months we've snapped many freo folk going about their daily caffeine ritual.
Seen around Notre Dame
in Seen in Freo
FSN was out and about this week on a beautiful autumn day, taking photos of and chatting to students and...
Bumper Day For Petrol Heads
in Seen in Freo
Seen In Freo, Sunday, was the most amazing assembly of beautiful, and beautifully restored and kept, old and even...
Seen at ArtEx 2017
in Seen in Freo
On Friday night FSN attended the ArtEx 2017 Opening night. It was held in the B Shed at the Fremantle...
Seen Cruising
in Seen in Freo
The cruise Ship Pacific Eden arrived in Fremantle early on Sunday from Adelaide. Passengers spent the day in Freo...
Seen at Maritime Day
in Seen in Freo
FSN headed down to their favourite part of Freo to enjoy the annual Maritime Day. All sorts of great activities,...
Seen at the Pioneers Luncheon
in Seen in Freo
Following the re-opening of the Town Hall, the Pioneers of Fremantle were invite to the 88th Annual Pioneers luncheon. FSN...
Seen under the Rainbow
in Seen in Freo
FSN was delighted to spend the evening at this simply wonderful, colourful event under the Rainbow!