Seen at the Magical Mojos markets
Seen At Sculpture At Bathers Beach 2020
in Seen in Freo
Sculpture at Bathers. It doesn’t get better than this! We explore over 80 sculptures and artworks by WA artists...
Seen at One Day
in Seen in Freo
A huge crowd turned out to the Esplanade once again for this fun day of cultural celebration… Here are a...
Seen in Fisherman’s Wharf
in Seen in Freo
The breathtaking light of Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour this morning on my way to the Port.
Seen at Earth Hour
in Seen in Freo
The annual Hilton Harvest Community Garden Earth Hour picnic was a blast with local musicians, fairies, pirates and telescope...
Seen at Freo Port Walk
in Seen in Freo
An enjoyable and informative inaugural Fremantle Port Walk took place yesterday, many thanks to Fremantle Ports.
Seen with the Fairies!
in Seen in Freo
FSN attended the magical Enchanted Children’s High Tea at the Esplanade. Fairies, superheroes, princesses having a ball in the Fairy...
Seen in Penang
in Seen in Freo
Recently FSN visited the Malayasian Island of Penang. A most vibrant and friendly city. A truely multicultural experience with...
Seen Portside
in Seen in Freo
We love this Port where the ships loom large. We simply can’t stay away. A few snaps from Portside..