Seen in Freo

Seen at The Enchanted High Tea
On Tuesday the 4th FSN attended a very special enchanted High Tea. There were Fairies and Super Heroes, Beauties and the cutest of Beasts. A visit from Fairy Friends from the Pickled Fairy, kept everyone entertained in this fabulous venue
Seen at Winterworld
FSN rugged up in Winter woolies and headed to Winterworld on the Esplanade. It’s Australia’s largest pop-up outdoor ice rink. We warmed up by the open fires, after spending some time in the Snow pit. Winter is here!
Seen at the Art Auction
FSN was at the Soroptomist Help the Homeless Art Auction’ on the Weekend. What a wonderful event to support Freo Street Doctor, The Sisters Place, and the Fremantle Multicultural centre. It was a joy to be there to take the photos.
Seen on the INS Shivalik
Three Indian Naval vessels arrived in Fremantle last week. The INS Shivalik, INS Kamorta and INS Jyoti. FSN was on the Shivalik on their open day to chat to and photograph the fabulous people on board.
Seen on World Ocean Day
United Nations Association of Australia (Environment committee) hosted a community land and water beach clean up and BBQ for World Oceans Day 2017. FSN was there to get some snaps of all the fabulous folk involved.
Seen at the Sonne
On W.A Day FSN was at the wonderful ‘Kazoomies' at the E Shed waiting to board the RV Sonne. The Sonne is a German deep ocean research vessel, It will be a central research platform for German marine sciences, mainly operating in the Indian and Pacific oceans.
Seen at the Pioneers Luncheon
Following the re-opening of the Town Hall, the Pioneers of Fremantle were invite to the 88th Annual Pioneers luncheon. FSN was there to chat to and photograph these wonderful people.
Seen at the Town Hall
There was a huge ‘turn out’ for the official re-opening of the Town Hall. The flag was raised, the clock was set and the bells rang out. FSN was there to get some snaps.
Seen at the Magical Mojos markets
Magical Mojos Market #6 was held on Sunday 21st. FSN was there to chat to and photograph fabulous people selling and buying all sorts of wonderful things!