

Freo Today. 14 March 2025. Still waiting to discover whether we have MLA Simone or MLA Kate. Hopefully later today we will know. As you can see, many are looking for answers!

View from the Round House with Martin Drum – The WA State Elections, with particular reference to Fremantle in Life, Law & Culture
Welcome back to our politics podcast, View From The Round House With Martin Drum. Today, we focus on the WA…
Beautiful Bolette Arrives in Freo in Shipping News
The smallish but perfectly formed Bolette made an elegant entrance in Fremantle’s inner harbour just before 6 am this morning.…
Rarely a Dull Moment – Trees, Local Laws, and Lost at Sea in Life, Law & Culture
A nice short and sharp meeting at only two hours on Wednesday night, 12 March 2025. Read on for the…

Hons and Rebels

Barely a day goes by right now without an event occurring that makes us stop and think, ‘Oh dear’. In erratic and uncertain times such as these, I am drawn to think of times past. Whilst history does not repeat, it can instruct and be a source of comfort and inspiration. At my dear Mum’s insistence, I took to her favourite book of all time, a yellowed and much fingered copy of Hons and Rebels by Jessica Mitford. From the title, you might wonder if it is a book about paradoxical people, which it is. ‘Hons and Rebels’ is also…
Breaking News: President Redesignates Police Station As Walyalup Bon Scott Live Music & Performance Centre in Life, Law & Culture
Folk have been asking us what is happening on this site, with the crane work all happening with a great…
The Underground Power Program in South Freo and City South in Architecture + Urban Design
So, it’s all happening. The project to underground electricity supply in South Fremantle and City South is officially underway. Here’s…
The Wednesday Poem in Life, Law & Culture
Was it the Stars Was it the stars that kept me from sleep – a clear night, no moon, far…
You can win the Fogarty, of course you can. Time to submit! in Life, Law & Culture
Yes, it’s time to get on your marks, get set - and submit! Western Australian writers aged 18–35 are invited…
Shroud Of Mystery Lifted? Maybe. in Shipping News
We recently brought you the story of the departure from Fremantle of Ocean Infinity’s search support vessel Armada 78 06.…
Truly, heads must roll! in Life, Law & Culture
You’re joking, right? You’re not? Really? You really didn’t have enough voting slips for the punters in Freo? What, you…

Gerry’s Gold 2

A very Happy Democracy Sausage Day indeed on Saturday, 8 March 2025! After voting, along I went to the second iteration of Gerry's Gold. The legend goes, Gerry buried gold next to his property, somewhere between this laneway and Holland Street, we think. While we look for it, we might as well meet our neighbours and listen to banging local tunes. I did wonder what kind of turn out we might expect after all the earlier queueing to cast one's vote for the State election. Some may have gone postal beforehand…
The Dockers Grand Final Better Not Be Like This – Too Close To Call in Life, Law & Culture
As of 8.30 Sunday morning, it is still too soon to finally call the seat of Fremantle. Will incumbent Labor…
Canberra Select Committee’s Interim Report Not Rushing To Nuclear Energy in Our Environment
As part of its inquiry into nuclear power generation in Australia, the House of Representatives Select Committee on Nuclear Energy…
View from the Round House with Martin Drum – The WA State Election Edition in Life, Law & Culture
Welcome back to our politics podcast, View From The Round House With Martin Drum. Today, the Friday before tomorrow’s WA…

Interview with Professor Charles Watson AM – Neuroscientist, Public Health Guru, Health Scientist

Emeritus Professor Charles Watson has done it all, well, if not exactly all, then nearly all in the fields of neuroscience, public health and health sciences. Charles is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Health Sciences, Curtin University, January 2017 to the present; Professorial Research fellow, Neuroscience Research Australia, 2007 to the present; Adjunct Professor of Neuroscience, University of Queensland, 2013 to the present; and Senior Honorary Research Fellow, University of Western Australia, 2017 to the present. In the 1980s and later, Charles performed a number of significant senior public health roles in…