Panacea @ FAC

Freo Today. 19 August 2020. The Panacea exhibition is on at Freo Arts Centre. Everything’s drawn from FAC’s collection. We like that. There’s works by WA artists including Marcus Beilby, Penny Bovell, Sharyn Egan, Jeremy Kirwan-Ward, Eveline Kotai, Jane Martin, Brian McKay, Kathleen O’Connor and Ken Wadrop. Photographs are also prominent with inclusion of important works by WA photographers, Christine Gosfield and Graham Miller and a series of artist portraits by Brad Rimmer and Tom Gibbons. And there are several winning works from the prestigious Fremantle Arts Centre Print Award by national artists such as Mike Parr and Keith Cowlam, as well as numerous examples of ceramics by WA ceramicists, including Sandra Black, Maria Phillips and Gary Zeck.